When Love Meets Power

This paper on love and power is the product of an extraordinary context.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to test every system we have in place as a society, and the resources we have to manage it are increasingly limited.

The subject may seem unorthodox. ‘Love’ is not a word we often find in the professional sphere, particularly in association with ‘power’.

But bold ideas that remind us of what it means to be human feel of the utmost importance in these challenging times.

From declining mental health to unprecedented numbers of people experiencing loneliness and isolation, our ten years of practice has shown us that the right combination of love and power can be fundamental in addressing many of our deeply entrenched social issues.

At a time when many of us are uncertain about where to direct our energy and resources, we believe this paper represents a call to action for each of us and our efforts to create a better version of the society we leave behind.

“As a critical friend, collaborator and thought leader, Charlie Leadbeater represents love and power in practice. His kind but clear guidance is invaluable and it has been a privilege to work with him in finding a language that reflects such important learning from our past ten years.” - The Australian Centre for Social Innovation.

Whether a policy maker, practitioner, leader or coach – we hope this article takes you to a place of reflection and ignites your imagination about the possibilities that might exist in a future where love meets power.

Download the paper here.

Visit the website for all material related to When Love Meets Power, including webinars with fascinating speakers.


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